Best Paper Winners
The winners of the Best Paper/Poster Awards at NANO 2020 are: Best paper “A 3D UV Photodetector Based on TiO2 Nanoparticles Decorated Microtubular Graphene FET” by Yuning Li, Shasha… Read more
NANO 2020 Final Program
The IEEE-NANO 2020 Final Program is available. The detailed program sessions and abstracts can be viewed here. Read the Welcome message from the chairs here. NANO 2020 opens on Wednesday… Read more
Preliminary Virtual Schedule Posted
The Preliminary Virtual Schedule for IEEE-NANO 2020 has been posted. The program will be three days with three parallel sessions each day. Each day will feature 2 plenary talks… Read more
Plenary and Keynote Speakers Announced
IEEE-NANO 2020 Virtual is pleased to announce the line up of Plenary and Keynote speakers. For details view the Speakers page or the individual postings.