Call for Late Breaking News Papers
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO 2020) is now calling for “Late Breaking News” papers.
Please access the submission system by this link:
Click here for a list of important dates and deadlines.
The deadline for Late Breaking News 2-page extended abstract or full (4-6 page) paper submission is June 21st, 2020. If you wish to participate in the best paper contest, you must submit a full paper in your initial submission for review.
Results for accepted Late Breaking News submission will be communicated by June 30th. After this date, authors of accepted submission will have the option of submitting the abstract alone or a full paper (4 to 6 pages) for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings available on the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. The final paper submission deadline is July 7th 2020.
NANO 2020 will be organized in 19 topical TRACKS
TRACK 2: Energy Storage
TRACK 3: Nanosensors and Nanoactuators
TRACK 4: Nanoplasmonics
TRACK 5: Nanoscale Science: Characterization and Modeling
TRACK 6: Nanophotonics
TRACK 7: Nanomaterials
TRACK 8: Nanofabrication and Quantum Engineering
TRACK 9: Nanomedicine
TRACK 10: Nanotools
TRACK 12: Nanobio
TRACK 13: Nanopackaging
TRACK 14: Stretchable and Wearable Electronics
TRACK 15: 2D Materials
TRACK 16: Nanotechnology for Humanitarian and Peace Engineering:
TRACK 17: Sustainable Electronics: Disassembling, Recycling and Eco-Design
TRACK 18: Nano-acoustics
TRACK 19: Nano-Ferroics
Authors of full papers (Regular or Late Breaking) will also have the opportunity to extend their papers into a full-length journal paper (6-8 pages) to be submitted to a special NANO 2020 section in the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO) or the IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology (OJ-NANO) (or the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM) for invited review articles.)
Authors who want to present their work but have no intention to publish their work in Xplore can submit their abstract to “Presentation without seeking for publication” by July 7th, 2020. The abstract submitted in this category requires no peer review.
IEEE-NANO 2020 is sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council,